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> 资讯中心 >出国行李托运>出国行李托运经验 > 分享芬兰留学攻略-part1申请学校


内容来源:海龙国际快递公司 更新时间:2012-8-21



本人是10年毕业,毕业后再一家外企工作,2011年我决定申请留学。真正开始准备材料是2010.10月份吧。除了雅思,雅思是在学校还没毕业的时候就考了,边做论文边复习,因为那时候自由支配的时间比较多,大概是在2010.2-5月三个月的时间,每天2个小时雅思,做了剑1-6,就这样拿到了7.5.这样工作后就不用担心靠雅思的问题了。主要心思放在了准备材料上。因为本人只想申请一所学校,就是TKK,所以从一开始就很有目标,没有太纠结学校。只是在专业方向的选择上纠结了很久,因为如果大方向没有定下来,会影响后motivation letter的准备。所以建议大家先决定好自己想学的专业,再去准备材料。


Thefollowing documents must be enclosed with the application form:

√An attested copy of official bachelor's degree     certificate (the studies must be completed by 31 July 2011), or a     certificate for equivalent studies√Authorised     translation of the degree (if applicable) (这个对于已经毕业的我来说就是拿着学位证书去南京公正认证,我们学校学位证书只有中文的,但是学校网站上有英文模板,有需要的话自己填写并到教务处盖章,然后去公证认证。在校生这个暂时不许提供,等拿到offer后再补发给学校。)
√Official transcript of records listing your     completed university studies, or an attested copy of it (成绩单也是自己翻译好,拿去公证认证)Authorised translation of the     transcript (if applicable)
√Curriculum vitae (CV)
Copy of passport or ID-card
Language test scores (to be     submitted no later than 28 February). For detailed information about the     language requirements, please see our web page section 'Language     Requirements' (可以是雅思或者是托福成绩,我考的雅思,而且直接发的copy,不是原件,TKK不需要发原件)
For those applying for the     Department of Architecture, a portfolio of their work. (与我无关)
网上的申请表(其中有要求Motivation     letter,要提前准备,不超过4000个字节。)
Inaddition to the compulsory application materials, some programmes may require AdditionalDocumentsto be able to better evaluate your application. While these documentsare not compulsory, they are strongly recommended, because they provide furtherinformation about your background and thus add value to your application.Additional documents do not need to be officially attested, regular copiessuffice, unless mentioned otherwise. Please contact the programme in questionfor further information on additional documents.(这些additional文件可没有,但是极力推荐,因为会有助于申请,我申的专业要求的另外两项文件是高中毕业证和工作经历,因为我已经本科毕业了所以我就用本科毕业证去公证认证,工作证明就找现在的经理开了个。)

Pleasenote! (注意事项)

The requested documents or their     translations must be provided in Finnish, Swedish or English.
All documents must be certified     copies and all translations must be authorised and accompanied by a copy     of the original.
The copy of your passport does not     need to be officially certified.
If you apply for two (2) options     you must enclose a complete set of documents and the needed copies for     both options; copies will not be taken by the school staff. The language     test result does not need to be sent twice.
Incomplete applications will not     be considered.
The use of false application     documents will lead to a rejection of the application.
The on-line application system is     available only during the application round. After the deadline is closed,     the applicants can only print out the submitted application, not modify     the applications.
The complete paper application     must be received by the school no later than 28 February 2011.
The application documents will not     be returned to the applicants.

