• 营业时间


  • 7x14小时在线客服


> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从成都市搬家到法国
3212 晒单次数
总体评分(3072) 按时到达(3166) 纸箱质量(3178) 包装工艺(3152) 督导能力(3169) 整体服务(3181)


Thanks to Dragon Sea for the first part of our moving to France! After the first contact, I felt there service is very professional. The salesperson has followed up closely on our needs and requests, providing professional and adequate advice for the packing and the right time for picking up our stuff. The customer service also follows every step closely after contract signature. They are very proactive! I recommend to use their solid material for the packing. Our stuff was moved out from our place in China. Now I hope it will be handled with care and that the rest of the trip and the delivery will be as smooth!
  • 距离8279km
  • 海运船期35天
  • 体积3m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 按时到达( 5 ) 纸箱质量( 5 ) 包装工艺( 5 ) 督导能力( 5 ) 整体服务( 5 )
Thanks to Dragon Sea for the first part of our moving to France! After the first contact, I felt there service is very professional. The salesperson has followed up closely on our needs and requests, providing professional and adequate advice for the packing and the right time for picking up our stuff. The customer service also follows every step closely after contract signature. They are very proactive! I recommend to use their solid material for the packing. Our stuff was moved out from our place in China. Now I hope it will be handled with care and that the rest of the trip and the delivery will be as smooth!