• 营业时间


  • 7x14小时在线客服


> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从深圳市搬家到新加坡
2272 晒单次数
总体评分(2174) 安全可靠(2231) 服务一流(2242) 省心省力(2211) 跟进及时(2222) 性价比高(2232)


"I moved my household goods from Shenzhen to Singapore through Dragonsea movers. The overall experience has been very good with Dragonsea. All the goods including Electronic items received in a good condition without any damage. The packing boxes quality is very good(hard n solid). From cost point of view, Dragon offered a good price for the move. All the big international movers were offering me only FSL option but no LSL which was quite expensive for me. So if anyone would like to move household goods in a more economical way and acceptable quality then i would suggest Dragonsea." The DragonSea staff (Sophie) has been very supportive and helping throughout the moving process.
  • 距离2605km
  • 海运船期12天
  • 体积3m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 安全可靠( 5 ) 服务一流( 5 ) 省心省力( 5 ) 跟进及时( 5 ) 性价比高( 5 )
"I moved my household goods from Shenzhen to Singapore through Dragonsea movers. The overall experience has been very good with Dragonsea. All the goods including Electronic items received in a good condition without any damage. The packing boxes quality is very good(hard n solid). From cost point of view, Dragon offered a good price for the move. All the big international movers were offering me only FSL option but no LSL which was quite expensive for me. So if anyone would like to move household goods in a more economical way and acceptable quality then i would suggest Dragonsea." The DragonSea staff (Sophie) has been very supportive and helping throughout the moving process.