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> 资讯中心 >出国行李托运>留学资讯 > 澳大利亚官方政府最新澳洲三所名校比较


内容来源:海龙国际快递公司 更新时间:2012-5-28

  University Comparison

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  Comparison Results

Hide University Profile
  The University of Sydney University of New Soutd Wale University of Wollongong
Year established 1850 1949 1951
Main campus Camperdown/Darlington Campus Kensington Wollongong Campus
Main campus address Parramatta Rd Camperdown NSW 2006 High St Sydney NSW 2052 Northfields Ave Wollongong NSW 2522

  University Level

Graduate Outcomes
  The University of Sydney University of New Soutd Wales University of Wollongong
Graduates in full time employment 74.9% 85.4% 82.8%
Graduates in full time study 31.5% 21% 27.3%
Student Demographics
  The University of Sydney University of New Soutd Wales University of Wollongong
Student Numbers
Total number of students 51,435 49,517 27,127
Female 58% 46% 49%
Male 42% 54% 51%
Domestic 76% 73% 61%
International 24% 27% 39%
Student Background
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 1% 1% 1%
Low socio-economic status 9% 9% 15%
Non-English speaking background 5% 5% 2%
Regional / remote 6% 7% 21%
Staff Demographics
  The University of Sydney University of New Soutd Wales University of Wollongong
Staff Qualifications
Doctorate by research or coursework 73.96% 65.51% 77.30%
Masters by research or coursework 13.02% 18.37% 13.62%
Bachelors degree 10.33% 14.53% 7.89%
Other postgraduate qualification 1.67% 1.16% 1.08%
Other qualification 1.02% 0.42% 0.11%
Staff Job Title
Above senior lecturer 12.63% 17.11% 14.42%
Senior lecturer 10.23% 14.75% 11.52%
Lecturer 12.91% 22.04% 16.95%
Below lecturer 9.66% 9.41% 5.03%
Other 54.56% 36.69% 52.08%
Staff Employment Type
Full time 71.8% 66.0% 68.7%
Part time 11.2% 15.1% 7.2%
Casual 17.0% 18.9% 24.1%
